Sunday, September 30, 2012

Objective C InsertionSort

    for(int j=1;j< [array count];j++)
        id key = [array objectAtIndex:j];
            int i =j-1;
       while (i>-1 && [array objectAtIndex:i] > key) {
                [array replaceObjectAtIndex:i+1 withObject:[array objectAtIndex:i]];
        [array replaceObjectAtIndex:i+1 withObject:key];
    return  array;

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SQL tips and articles

Recently I found 2 useful SQL functions and would like to share with you.
This function is quite useful for a DBA.
For example:
DECLARE @Object varchar(100)
SELECT @Object = 'Mem.dbo.Member'
      PARSENAME (@Object ,3),
      PARSENAME (@Object ,2), 
      PARSENAME (@Object ,1)

You could also apply the same concept to e.g. split IP format
For example: instead of using complex charindex
DECLARE @IP char(15)


      PARSENAME (@IP ,4),
      PARSENAME (@IP ,3), 
      PARSENAME (@IP ,2),
      PARSENAME (@IP ,1)   

What it does is returning the first non-null argument. It is equivalent to CASE
WHEN (expression1 IS NOT NULL) THEN expression1
WHEN (expression2 IS NOT NULL) THEN expression2
ELSE expression