I had viewed some blogs, which mentioned ten iOS interview questions. I think it's basic but important. If you have 2-3 years iOS development experiments, you should answer the questions easily.
Ok, let's start.
1. Have you use objective-c runtime programming? If you did, what you use it for.
2. Have you use multi thread core data? which method you use? How do you do with NSPersistenStoreCoordinator,NsManagedObjectContext and NSManagedObject
3. Have you use CoreAnimation and COreGraphics. What is the relationship between UI framework, CA framework and CG framework.
4. Have you use CoreText or CoreImage? Tell me about that.
5. What is NSNotification and KVO? What's the difference between them? when to use NSNotification and when to use KVO? can you use protocol and delegate to implement the same function like NSNotification and KVO? why?
6. Have you use NSOperationQueue? Why you use NSOperationQueue and what for? Tell me about the difference between NSOperationQueue and GCD.
7. What you need to care when you use GCD and block? are they the same thing?
8. How to deal with Asynchronous Network? how do you implement that?
9. How do you think of Objective-C, pros and cons? Have you think about the redo some functions about Objective-C?
10. Have you implement a framework or library? If you do, tell me about that. If you do not, try to design a public API.
These questions might be too hard for junior iOS developer. If you need to answer all of that, maybe you at least have 2-3 years development experiments.
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