1. Adding Subviews
- insertSubview:atIndex:
- insertSubview:aboveSubview:
- insertSubview:belowSubview:
2. Reordering and Removing Subviews
- Use [parentView exchangeSubviewAtIndex:i withSubviewAtIndex:j] to exchange the positions of two views.
- Move subviews to the front or back using bringSubviewToFront: and
- sendSubviewToBack.
- To remove a subview from its parent, call [childView removeFromSuperview]. If
- the child view had been onscreen, it disappears. Removing a child from the superview
- calls a release on the subview, allowing its memory to be freed if its retain
- count has returned to 0.
3. View Callback
- didAddSubview: is sent to a view after a successful invocation of addSubview: lets subclasses of UIView perform additional actions when new views are added.
- didMoveToSuperview: informs views that they’ve been re-parented to a new superview. The view may want to respond to that new parent in some way.When the view was removed from its superview, the new parent is nil.
- willMoveToSuperview: is sent before the move occurs.
- didMoveToWindow: provides the callback equivalent of didMoveToSuperview but when the view moves to a new Window hierarchy instead of to just a new superview.
- willMoveToWindow: is, again, sent before the move occurs.
- willRemoveSubview: informs the parent view that the child view is about to be removed.
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